Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Public Transport

As someone who doesn't drive and travels often, I spend a lot of time at various bus stops and train stations...I don't particularly love public transport but I do love being able to watch the world whizz by, headphones on listening to some great music, catching a moment.

Here are just a few of the pictures I have taken whilst on or waiting for public transport

Do you take random photos? I always think I must look like a right nutcase with my iPhone sometimes!



  1. I love them! It actually makes me miss my non driving days!

  2. Great pics hun, I'm dying to get my hands on an iPhone, I knew i should have got one instead of my sony crap. I've sent it away 3 times now xx

  3. Hi Pea =)

    Just wanted to say I have been following your page and I love it! so I just featured it on my 'Wednesday Wonders'. Check it out and if you like my page, follow! =)

    Have a lovely day, Emily xoxo.

  4. Glad you like the pics ladies, amazing what a phone can achive these days!

    Thanks for the feature Emily just going to pop over for a look, glad you are enjoying my rambles and such!


  5. The pics are really good! I dont drive either and think I might have to start taking pictures while I am waiting about :)


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